Expected Results

  • Reliable stress test procedures expanded and adapted to land-based CI leading to resilient infrastructure networks to rare and low probability extreme events.
  • Decision making approaches for better protection of existing infrastructure while achieving more robust strategies for the development of new ones.
  • Integrated risk mitigation scenarios and strategies using local, national and pan-European infrastructure risk analysis methodologies taking into consideration multiple hazards and risks with cascading impact assessments.
  • Robust modelling of spatio-temporal processes with propagated dynamic uncertainties in multiple risk complexity scenarios of Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns.
  • Operational framework with cascading hazards, impacts and dependent geospatial vulnerabilities and practical software tools and guidelines to provide greater support to the next generation of European infrastructure managers.
  • Collaborative integrated platform where risk management professionals access and share data, information and risk scenarios results efficiently and intuitively.

IDST: INFRARISK  Decision Support Tool (Portal Samples)

System Definition
Fragility Curve