Case Studies

Two European case studies were analysed in the INFRARISK project to demonstrate the systematic application of the methodologies and tools that were developed in the project. The case studies are located along the trans-European (TEN-T) network, which provides critical infrastructure corridors throughout Europe and facilitates the effective transportation of people and goods, supporting economies and contributing to the European single market.

Each case study focused on a particular transport infrastructure network (i.e. road or rail) and a particular source hazard (i.e. earthquake or rainfall). Stress tests were performed for the case studies according to the overarching risk assessment methodology that has been developed in the INFRARISK project.

TEN-T network
TEN-T network
Risk assessment task (Hackl et al., 2016)
Risk assessment task (Hackl et al., 2016)

The first case study consists of a regional road network in the province of Bologna in northern Italy. Stress tests were performed for low probability, high consequence seismic hazard scenarios and the cascading landslide hazard effects. The second case study consists of a rail network in Croatia. Stress tests were performed for low probability, high consequence flood scenarios. For each case study, the impacts were analysed according to the direct consequences, such as repair costs, which were deemed to be directly attributable to the infrastructure manager or owner. In addition, the additional consequences to society, such as the economic losses, were quantified (i.e. the indirect consequences).

Italian case study road network
Italian case study road network
Croatian case study rail network
Croatian case study rail network