GMA Workshop No.1


This was the first of a planned number of GMA workshops and took place on the 2nd-3rd December 2013 in Dublin at the offices of the project coordinator, Roughan & O' Donovan. The workshop was hosted by Ritchey Consulting AB and attended by a representative from al work package leaders. The purpose and goal of the morphological modelling workshops is to organise structured discussions among project participants and to develop among the project participants a common conceptual framework (and terminology) for the project’s total problem space; to discuss and make recommendations about the bounding of this problem space (e.g. as concerns types of events, hazards, infrastructure elements, networks and consequences of disruptions); and to make an initial hypothesis about how this information can potentially be used to structure the overarching methodology to be developed in WP4 concerning inputs, throughputs and outputs. In this first meeting an initial focus question was proposed, the problem space was parameterised with respect to this focus question (i.e. identification of relevant input and output variables) and a parameter analysis was conducted to determine how the different parameters are related to one another as concerns mutual influence.