Case Studies Workshop 2


On January 29th 2015, UCL hosted the second case study workshop in London. The meeting was attended by the leaders of WP3 through to WP8. The goal of this workshop was to develop further the solution on the best way to implement the methodologies developed in WP2-WP7 within the Case Study simulations. The workshop focused in particular on the Italian road network case study. Agreement, in principle, was reached between the partners on a set of ‘Case Study Guidelines’, an internal document developed by ROD and ETHZ which outlines the various steps required in the methodology, the partners responsible for tasks within each step and the timelines associated with each step in order to achieve the deliverable dates. These steps include items such as, for example; boundary definition, generating the hazard events, gathering structural data, developing fragility curves, estimating repair costs, developing vulnerability curves, estimating direct and indirect consequences etc. Agreement on this document represents a significant step in the progression of the case study simulations.